Your gateway to accurate bibliographic records

Search and find by ISBN, Author, Publisher or Title

We combine millions of records from worldwide public databases

No strings attached. We never share your data to train AI or for any other purposes. We respect your privacy.

Why us?

The three main reasons why you will be professionally more efficient with our services

Search Faster

Easily search and find what you are looking for

When you search by ISBN, Author, Title, or Publisher, you'll get the most relevant results from worldwide databases, all in one place.

With the time you'll save from searching multiple sites, you can focus on cataloging the next book, boosting your productivity and efficiency. This increased efficiency can enhance your career advancement opportunities.

Translated Editions

You will also find their ISBN here

Tired of not getting results when you search by the ISBN of a translated edition you need to catalog?

Look no further! You'll find all the information you need to catalog the translated edition, without wasting time searching across the web.


No need to choose, we support both

Whenever possible, we’ll provide the information in MARC21 or UNIMARC format.

This way, you can quickly use the pre-formatted data to streamline your cataloging process within your organization.

Our Mission

Learn why, how, and what we do to support you as a professional librarian

To Address the Challenges and Frustrations Faced by Librarians like you

The main reason why we are dedicated to helping librarians like you with more efficient cataloging tools is because the owner’s partner is a Librarian who understands firsthand the challenges, hurdles, and pain points you face every day.

To Serve Professional Librarians Worldwide

We make it easy for you to catalog any work or edition, whether it's a book, thesis, magazine, or anything with an ISBN, accurately and effortlessly, in both English and Portuguese.

To Synchronize with Worldwide Public Databases

We will track all worldwide public databases for the addition of new ISBNs, so that you don't have.

connected world

Do you want to be more efficient at cataloging?

Remember, the owner’s partner is also a Librarian like you, facing the same challenges and pain points you experience every day!

No strings attached. We never share your data to train AI or for any other purposes. We respect your privacy.